The basis of this commercial project are patented inventions and methods for their use intended to facilitate the and simplify the physical work in more than 10 segments of construction and finishing works. Inventions have no competition - it is a new cell DIY tools for building and finishing works.
In this section, I briefly outline the general information for the commercialization of inventions. A competent person and understanding the essence and meaning of the information on this site will immediately understand and read between the lines of confidentiality. I'll be glad to listen to a potential partner and find a common interest and benefit in this regard.
I did the maximum amount of variation in the tools to extend patent protection for inventions. Each patent has «VIP – design», which are the most popular.
Consumer demand of the market for these instruments is very high.
The result of application of these tools - will significantly increase the quality of work, lower labor consumption, increase profitability, reduced requirements for the qualifications of workers and the need for these tools, expanding the range of tools DIY.
(Design, construction, segments and applications tools are detailed on the website in the video presentation, presentations, patent -1, patent -2, patent -3).
The men by nature endowed engineering mindset, and can easily understand the operating principles of these devices.
Why are the innovations will have the popularity and demand? Who will be interested in building new instruments?
Benefits of construction companies:
- Simplicity of design and ease of understanding of how it works tool;
- Ease of of application and operation tools;
- Improving the quality of services and lower labor consumption;
- Reducing the time and timing of execution of works;
- Improving safety and reducing injuries;
- decrease of marriage and overspending materials;
- fast filling vacancies - due to decreased requirements for skills and experience of working;
- Increasing profitability;
- Increase revenue - is a major benefit.
Private benefits and house masters alone:
- Kind of all the benefits that are listed for construction companies;
- Many kinds of finishing construction works will be easier to do alone;
- Increase the number of satisfied customers high quality of work performed;
- The growth of the recommendations from those artists that will be applicable in the proposed tools and methods;
- Increase private orders and to make choices for their own reasons and personal profit;
Benefits plants instrument manufacturers:
- Ease of manufacturing and low cost;
- Guaranteed demand;
- Increased production and an increase in orders;
- Expanding assortment of increasing sales associated tools;
- Making a profit.
The final consumer of data insturments:
- Construction companies and firms around the world;
- private persons and masters engaged in repair and construction works;
- Home master;
- Persons wishing to make housing repairs with their own hands;
- The company responsible for the installation of windows, window sills and doors;
- A company engaged in the sale and installation of safes and cabinets;
- Tilers;
- Painters - plasterers.
Investment attractiveness of project:
Projected growth in sales over time:
- 1st - 2nd year from the date of production - is a steady, moderate growth in sales;
- 3rd - 5th years an intensive increase in sales - due to the full knowledge of the consumer benefits from the results application product;
- 6th-10th years of a stable forecast demand and sales;
- Target high profit 2nd to 6th year of production and sales.
Economic effect of instruments:
(calculated in U.S.A. dollars).
The cost of a functional unit product patent -1:
- Among the production cost will be lock - 0.5-1$;
- The average selling price to the final consumer will be - 3 - 4$
The cost of a functional unit product patent - 2:
a) Option simplified design:
- Among the products will be the cost of production - 4 - 5 $;
- The average selling price to the final consumer will be - 13 - 15$;
в) complex design option:
- Among the products will be the cost of production - 6 - 7 units;
- The average selling price to the final consumer will be - 15 - 20$.
Average cost estimates of works (services):
On average, one linear meter slope plaster door or window worth - 3 - $ 10 (price depends on the quality, quantity and quality).
Total length of the average slope of one doorway - 5 m/n.
Average cost for plastering work - 1 m/n slope - $ 6 multiply by 5 m/n get - $ 30. - It will be well worth plaster slope. Plaster high quality may be more expensive.
In practice slopes of windows generally have the same value as the door slopes.
What would a high quality and fast slope plaster kit is required , consisting of 4 - 6 clips (patent -1) value - 15 - 18 USD and one of instruments (patent -2 or patent -3) cost - $ 15 - Retail prices.
The average retail price will be set TOOLING - $ 30.
Average cost of plastering work on the slope will be - $ 30.
Conclusion: plastering slopes of one of the doors or windows, fully pays for the tool kit. Plastering of all subsequent slopes will generate a net profit. High degree payback of the tools. Calculation of return in the example with considering the use of tools "fixers" patent -1 segmente only one works. These "clips" patent-1 will be used in other segments of the works - 10 times more.
Take into account the time factor: applying these instruments, reducing the time interval of 3-5.
Take into account the quality factor: - 100% high quality.
Take into account the complexity factor: reduce by 1.5 - 2 times and reduce costs kilocalories of human energy, and hence more work is done.
Take into account the factor of safety of property - tools due to its construction in the slightest prevent scratching designs of window and door frames, as well as damage to adjacent tool.
Take into account the factor of decreasing marriage and overspending materials, increase security, simplification and reduction of processes requirements professionalism of workers.
The result of the application of tools income specialist performing plastering slopes per unit time increases on average - 5 times.
Given the complexity reduction and complexity, we can work to delegate less skilled and lower paid link of workers.
Applying the new tools we get an increase in income on average 5 times. Sharing the benefits, we get price reduction services plastering slopes of 1.5 - 2 times, and the growth of income of the company increased by 2 - 2.5 times. With all of these indicators is kept very high quality work.
Take into account the versatility - the tool "lock" patent-1, will be applied in more than 10 segments of finishing construction works.
- Take into account the amount to be under construction and repair of housing in the world.
- Take into account the number of services that will use the tools.
- Take into account the number of windows and doors under construction and repair facilities.
- Consider the most promising countries and markets.
- Take into account the number of workers employed in the industry.
-The result of the high cost and have multi-million dollar profit in the construction industry. Save the human, financial and natural resources.
Return on investment and of net profit received:
Demand forecast product patents -1, -2, -3.
10-15 pc. of sold clamps (patent-1) will be sold - 1 - 2 pcs. tool patent -2, and patent -3.
Net income from the sale of a single lock (patent -1) to average - 0.5-1 $.
Net income from the sale of instruments patent -2, patent -3 to average - 5 - 7 $.
One dollar invested by the average net income will be - 0.8 -1$.
Term of of turnover invested funds will average - 2 - 6 months.
Projected average annual net income - very high (confidential information), and - this is subject to minimal risk and complexity of the business process.
Indicators in calculating the minimum, there is a high probability that the net profit understated several times.
Address to partner:
Dear potential partner,
I would be glad if the firm, which will be transferred patents, would be in a state of one or more of having committed the laws protecting intellectual property.
The main priority of this work - it started to bring the case and get a result that is clearly before the eyes indivisibly since the advent of inventions.
There are even sketches of other inventions, but not yet started will be completed, there is no point in starting a new one.
The amount of investment required for the project, the model and depends business scheme.
Initial investment amount - depends on the business model, and other factors (confidential information).
Perhaps parallel run multiple business - schemes, and then choose the most profitable and safe.
To study prospects of the proposals set forth by me to check is easy.
Inventions, patents, and all uttered site done me Sergii Pysmenkyi.
By implementing this project in life, I suggest not to spend money on advertising, and earn advertising.
Conclusion: based on the analysis, the main base and impressive - a promising and saturated market, the lack of analogue and high consumer benefits, as signs of future success. It is possible to patent these instruments in all countries of the world according to the agreement of the PCT it gives the exclusive right to manufacture and sale of these products within 10-20 years.
Main goal - the commercialization of these developments, the rapid development of the markets and higher profit.
I'll be glad to answer any questions the potential partner.
”People will use these tools in the centuries”
I will be happy to discuss the various well-known and accepted by еuropean and civilized options of doing business in a similar situation.
On the site I tried to explain the essence of a very brief and minimal.
I am ready to transfer the copyright to patents in ownership and possession of reliable foreign partners, companies, factories.
Please inform me of their decision, and we can agree.
Yours sincerely, © Sergii Pysmenskyi, Ukraine, Kiev.
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